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How To Make Pomegranate Juice For Healthy

How To Make Pomegranate Juice For Healthy

Make Pomegranate Juice – Pomegranate is a fruit that is known to have various types of benefits. In Indonesia, this fruit grows abundantly. The flavor of Pomegranate itself is sweet and sour, and is perfect for juice or other preparations. If you like drinking fruit juice, here are tips for making pomegranate juice.

How to Make Pomegranate Juice and its Benefits

Besides being fresh, fruit juice also has a lot of benefits. Fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins that are good for our bodies. One fruit that is rich in benefits is Pomegranate. Pomegranate is a fruit that has a lot of seeds. But you don’t need to worry, because the seeds in pomegranates can be consumed and do not cause appendicitis as the myth is.

If you don’t like eating pomegranate in its original fruit form, you can make it into pomegranate juice. Here is how to make pomegranate juice for your health.

  • Prepare two to three pomegranates
  • Remove all the pomegranates and put them in a container so that they do not spread out
  • Provide 2 to 3 spoonfuls of honey for sweetener
  • A little lemon water

How to make pomegranate juice is quite easy, namely put the pomegranate into a blender. Puree then strain so that the texture is smoother or only the water remains. Then add honey and also a little lemon water. Fresh pomegranate juice is ready for consumption. You can also put it in the chiller first if you prefer to consume it cold.

Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate Juice

The benefits of pomegranate for the body are undoubted. Its bright color indicates that this fruit has many vitamins that are good for health. Here are the benefits you get after consuming pomegranate juice regularly.

1. Relieve joint pain

For those of you who are starting to enter the age of 30 and above, consumption of pomegranate juice is highly recommended. Because the flexibility of the joints is decreasing, it makes it more difficult for people over the age of 30 to move. Pomegranate can help you prevent joint pain, and also relieve joint pain if it occurs.

2. Lowers blood pressure

For people with hypertension, daily consumption of pomegranate juice can also control your blood pressure. This sweet and fresh fruit has tremendous benefits for people with hypertension. In addition to lowering blood pressure, pomegranate juice can also help lower cholesterol that causes hypertension.

3. Boosts immunity

The red color of pomegranate indicates that this fruit is very good for antioxidants. Antioxidants function to eliminate free radicals in our body due to pollution and also unhealthy foods consumed. With the loss of free radicals in the body, immunity can also be improved properly. Consumption of pomegranate juice is very good for the prevention of viral diseases.

4. Staves off hunger

For women who are on a diet, there is good news for you. Pomegranate juice can also be one of the healthy diet menus. You can make pomegranate juice as breakfast and accompanied by a cup of granola. Pomegranate juice contains high fiber so it is good for digestion and can also withstand hunger.

Thus how to make and also the benefits of pomegranate juice that we can convey. Try consuming pomegranate juice regularly, to get the benefits. Feel the changes in your body for 2 weeks after consuming pomegranate juice regularly. You can consume 150 to 300 ml of pomegranate juice every day to get good benefits.

image source: google.com

How To Make Pomegranate Juice For Healthy

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