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Herbal Medicine Indonesia: Best Herbal Wholesale Suppliers in Asian

Herbal Medicine Indonesia

Herbal medicine is medicine made from herbal plants and consumed to treat various diseases. Herbal plants can be spices or plants in the form of roots, flowers, or leaves. Herbal medicine has been trusted for generations by the people of Indonesia. Herbal Medicine Indonesia sees the opportunity to preserve this heritage by becoming herbal wholesale suppliers throughout Southeast Asia.

Best Herbal Wholesale Supplier in Asian

Herbal Medicine Indonesia is a herbal medicine supplier that can be called the best herbal wholesale supplier in Indonesia. Even now Herbal Medicine Indonesia has become a supplier of herbal medicines to almost all countries in Southeast Asia.

Herbal Medicine Indonesia produces herbal medicines with 100% selected natural ingredients and processed in a modern way with advanced technology. In addition, HMI herbal medicines have been clinically tested by experts who are professionals in their fields.

Currently, there are 7 countries that have become distributors of Herbal Medicine Indonesia. Such as Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Brunei Darussalam.

Herbal medicine has several advantages compared to medical drugs, including the following:

  • Minimal side effects and can be consumed in the long term
  • More affordable price
  • Has more than one benefit or use
  • Effective in overcoming diseases that are difficult to cure by medical means.

There is no doubt that HMI is the best herbal wholesale supplier that is trusted. Because HMI has spread to various countries, clinically tested, and also has a lot of authorized agents so it is easy to find anywhere.

Best Herbal Medicine for Disease

HMI has a lot of herbal medicines that are useful to alleviate and even cure several diseases that often affect Indonesian people. Here is a list of herbal medicine recommendations from HMI along with its benefits.

1. Benoracol

Culinary tourism is a hobby of almost all Indonesians. But culinary traveling without paying attention to health is also a high risk of developing cholesterol. Benoracol is a supplement that contains several natural ingredients specially formulated to alleviate the symptoms of high cholesterol.

Containing soursop leaf extract, garlic, and mahkota dewa, this supplement is very good for you to consume regularly to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition to lowering cholesterol, Benoracol is also useful for lowering high blood pressure.

2. Benoramag

GERD or ulcer disease is often complained about by almost everyone. Ulcers can be caused by irregular eating disorders, or high levels of stress. One of the herbal medicines produced by HMI and effective for relieving ulcers or other GERD symptoms is Benoramag.

Benoramag contains aloe vera and turmeric extracts that are good for relieving inflamed stomach. In addition to preventing ulcers, Benoramag can also be used to reduce stomach distension.

3. Linurat

It is undeniable that gout is also a disease that is often complained about by Indonesians, especially those aged 30 years and over. Gout if not treated immediately will become a dangerous infection.

Linurat contains natural ingredients such as galangal, lempuyang, ginger, and also nutmeg seeds which are effective for relieving pain due to gout. In addition, Linurat also contains Javanese chili which has a comfortable warm sensation to relieve pain.

There is no need to hesitate anymore to choose to consume herbal medicines from Herbal Medicine Indonesia. You can get original HMI medicine directly through the HMI website, or the nearest HMI authorized agent from where you live.

Herbal Medicine Indonesia: Best Herbal Wholesale Suppliers in Asian

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