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Health Benefits of Parsley Leaves

Health Benefits of Parsley Leaves

Parsley leaves came from a plant that has the Latin name Petroselinum Crispum. This plant has leaves that are widely used in various cuisines. Parsley is native to the Mediterranean region. It grows for centuries in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, to Morocco. Parsley has other names of Greek origin. Namely petro which means stone.

Parsley leaves has proven to show amazing diverse health benefit, because of its richness in many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can provide important health benefits. For instance, A half cup (30 grams) of fresh, chopped parsley leaves provides 11 calories, 2 gr carbohydrates and 1 gr of protein and > 1 gr of fat, 1 gr of fiber and what’s amazing from half cup of parsley leaves is the fact that it contains 108% recommended daily intake of vitamin A, 53% of Vitamin C and 547% of Vitamin K as well as 11% of folate and 4% of potassium recommended daily intake as well as other antioxidants.

With all the nutrient that parsley leaves contain, there are some obvious health benefits that parsley leaves offer to our well-being.

1. Prevent Cellular Damageย 

Due to the Antioxidants component in parsley leaves such as falvonoids, vitamin C, carotenoids, consuming it will help prevent cellular damage from molecules called free radicals. Your body requires a healthy balance of antioxidants and free radicals to maintain optimal health.

2. Reducing the risk of having diabetes

Parsley leaves contains a type of flavonoid called myricetin which is said to reduce blood sugar levels.

In an experiment conducted on a group of mice with type 1 diabetes, parsley conยญsumption was shown to lower glucose and improve pancreatic function. Although it has to be tested again for its effects in humans, consuming parsley in moderation may help you maintain blood sugar levels.

3. Reducing the risk of having cancer

Parsley does contain antioxidants which helps to protect body cellular function andย  further help to reduce risk of developing serious disease like lung cancer and colon cancer.

Study done by Aune D, et al (2018) found that increasing vitamin C by 100 mg per day reduced the risk of overall cancer by 7%. ย By increasing dietary vitamin C by 150 mg per day may lower prostate cancer risk by up to 21%. All provided by Parsley tea.

ย 4. Keeping the Health of Heart

Parsley leaves is a nutrient-dense herb that may improveย heart health. Parsley Leaves happens to be a good source of the B vitamin folateย  with a half cup (30 gr) providing 11% of the recommended daily intake that will reduce heart disease risk in certain populations.

Cited from Healthline.com, There is a large study in over 58,000 people found that the highest intake of folate was associated with a 38% reduced risk of heart disease .Conversely, low intake of folate may increase your risk of heart disease. One study in 1,980 men observed a 55% increase in heart disease risk in those with the lowest intake of this nutrientย .

5. Good for Kidney Health

A study done by Al-Yousofy F, et al(2017) in rats with kidney stones found that those treated with parsley leaves had decreased urinary calcium and protein excretion, as well as increased urinary pH and urination compared to a control group.

Parsley leaves has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties due to its antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C. Additionally, parsley leaves may help keep your kidneys healthy by reducing high blood pressure, a major risk factor for kidney disease.

ย After all these health benefits can be served through many ways such as cuisines or parsley tea which are easy to be consumed. If you want to get these herbs like medicine you may want to visit

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Health Benefits of Parsley Leaves

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