Diabetes is a very uncomfortable and dangerous disease, besides that the disease requires continuous control of blood sugar condition and those ย with diabetes must take medicine for lowering glucose levels in whole life.
Some of the symptoms associated with diabetes are often feel thirsty and urinate, fatigue and frequently feel hungry besides vision also becomes more blurry and wound healing occurs more slowly so the risk of infection is also higher. No wonder people might looking alternative way to relieve diabetes symptoms
People can relieve diabetes symptoms by a healthy lifestyle such as diligent exercise and consumption of vegetables and fruits, but consuming herbs can also be an additional option. Some of the best herbal plants ingredients can be listed as below :
List of contents:
1. Sambiloto / Andrographis Paniculata Herbaย
Extract from Sambiloto has a phytochemical component in the form of andrographolide (AGL) which is very bitter, but efficacious in controlling blood sugar levels.
This is inseparable from the ability of AGL to increase insulin production and glucose absorption so that it can reduce blood sugar levels which automatically helps to relieve diabetes symptoms.ย
2. Tanaman Pulai / ย Alstoniae Scholatidis Cortexย
Pulai or Alstonia scholaris (AS) is used as medicine.ย The use of the pulai plant ย as a drug is related to the content of secondary metabolites, especially due to its compounds of the alkaloid group such as flavonoid and polyphenol. The pulai plant bioactivity servesย various health benefits such as anti-diabetes mellitus, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antioxidant drug.
3. Aloe Vera
One of the nutritional therapy for diabetes mellitus is with aloe vera. Aloe vera can be used as an antidiabetic to lower blood sugar levels because aloe vera contains chromium compounds that can stimulate pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin.
Aย 2015 studyย done by Radha, M. H., & Laxmipriya, N. P. (2015), suggests that taking aloe vera gel can help people achieve better fasting blood glucose levels, as well as reduce body fat and weight which will eventually help to relieve diabetes symptoms.
3. Tanaman jamblang / Syzgii Cumini Semen
The leaves of the jamblang or duwet tree have health benefits, not inferior to the flesh of the fruit. Jamblang tree leaves contain many antioxidants, which also function as antiviral and anti-inflammatory.
Jamblang leaves in India, are used to control the effects of diabetes. In the same way, you can also use boiled water of jamblang leaves to maintain blood sugar. You can also mix this jamblang leaf powder with moringa powder to help reduce weight and maintain blood sugar levels to relieve diabetes symptoms.
A supplement containing the above ingredients can be a good treatment to relieve diabetes symptoms. LANGNIS is Herbal Remedies for Diabetes used to help relieve the symptoms of diabetes mellitus containing Sambiloto, Tanaman Pulaiย & ย Jamblang simultaneously which surely helps to relieve diabetes symptoms.